Wednesday, December 3, 2008



2nd: All souls day. I celebrated the Mass. Never saw a cemetery in Holland. Not even today.
3rd: Global Politics of Development, Democracy, conflict and Rights Exam
4th: Regular classes begin.
5th: Begin classes by Sara to learn Dutch at the Residence.
07th: Deepavali Celebration at the ISS. Tom sdb came too. Avin the chaplin was there too.
08th: First visit to Amsterdam. We had a boat Ride. We had a good meal in an Indian Restaraunt. We had walk in the Red light area of the country which commercialised sex industry.
09th: My day of cooking. I made Dosai, Tapiocca and chicken. Good for Indians.
12th: I was the chair for the Discussion on Human Insecurity, conflict and Development. It was a good experience.
13th: I did the mass.
14th: Birth day of Eglantine. Sent Message to all in India. It was a free day. I did some purchasing.
15th: Went to the Beach with Tomy to see the Santaclaus. Missed him at the beach. Had a long walk. Had good fish and returned. On the way back saw the procession of several cars and cabins, knights and servants celebrating the event. It was purely a secular festival. All the people waiting with children to meet the Santa clause. They distribute gifts to all children on the road. It is a good celebration.
15,16, 17: Provincial Visitation. Jos Clas from Belgium is the Provincial also for this Delegation of Netherlands. Herman Spronck is the Delegate here. He does not visit often. They have already decided to sell this property and move to another place by the end of December. The confreres here are all disturbed deeply at this decision of the Delegation. It seems that the provincial is helpless at this decision. I too think it is unfortunate to sell this beautiful location and move to a new hired place. But no buyer has come so far to buy this property. I met the provincial too. I did not take side as I had just arrived and felt too early to talk of the issue. Helena cooked for the dinner for the guests at Visitation.
16th: The Birth Day of Biju was celebrated. Camillo cooked for the occasion.
17th: I received the Residence permit card today from the Immigration office. The Provincial concluded his visitation and left for Belgium.
18th: I attended a Research Seminar on Child Labour in Nike food ball production in Pakistan and the consequences.
19th: Had Ben White Group work. There was a film on Population Control Measures in the 70s and Group discussion. Three people ( Melony, Andrea and Eyob) presented their family generation analysis in the class.
SEMINAR ON PROPER BEHAVIOUR IN THE ISS. It was organized by Martin Boc. It was to clarify certain issues on Sexual Harassment and Moaning in the ISS. It was funny and at the same time the message was very clear.
20 & 21: Attended the following CONFERENCE.
Young People in Africa: From Marginalisation to Citizenship
ISS, The Hague, 20-21 November 2008
DAY ONE - 20 November 2008
10:00am – 10:30am - Opening Session: PRINCES MAXIMA WAS THERE FOR INAUGURATION
ISS Rector
OU Representative
10.30 – 11.00 - Keynote Address
Prof. Alcinda Honwana – Prince Claus Chair 2007/08, IDC-The Open University
African Youth: Addressing the Challenges of Citizenship
11.00 – 11.30 – Coffee/Tea Beak
11.30 – 13:00: Panel 1: Being Young: Conceptualizations and Experiences of Youth
Prof. Nana Poku – Department of Peace Studies – University of Bradford
Youth and HIV/AIDS
Dr. Auma Okwany – Children and Youth Studies, Institute of Social Studies
Negotiating Tensions in Girlhood: Constrained and Situated Agency for girls in urban poor locales in Kenya
Dr. Ibrahim Abdullah – Department of History, University of Sierra Leone
Social Citizenship or Generational Struggle?: Marginal Youth in Post War Sierra Leone
13.00 -14.00 – Lunch
14.00 – 15.30: Panel 2: Youth Agency in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings
Prof. Thierry Nlandu Mayamba – Faculte’ des Lettres, University of Kinshasa
Youth in Politics: Breaking the Barrier between Actors and Spectators in Post Conflict DRC
Prof. Marc Sommers – The Fletcher School, Tufts University, Boston
Youth, Conflict and Urbanization in Rwanda
Dr. Karin Willemse – Faculty of History & Arts – Erasmus University Rotterdam
The Darfur crisis, masculinity, and the contingency of Sudanese citizenship
15.30 – 16.00 – Tea/Coffee Break
16:00 – 17.30 – Panel 3: Youth Movements and Social Empowerment
Dr. Rijk van Dijk –African Studies Centre, Leiden University
Self-framing and Self-mobilisation: Pentecostal Faith, Agency and Youth Ideology in Africa
Dr. Takyiwaa Manuh – African Studies Institute, University of Ghana
Gender, Ethnicity and Exclusion among Migrant Female Youth in Accra
Prof. Ronald Kassimir – Department of Political Science, The New School University
Youth Social Movements in Africa
19:00 – 21:00 - Conference Dinner
DAY TWO – 21 November 2008
9:30 – 11:00pm – Panel 4 – Comparative Reflections on Youth Experiences
Prof. Peter Geschiere and Dr. Francio Guadeloupe – Amsterdam School for Social Science Research, University of Amsterdam
The Religion of the urban cool: youth icons in the Netherlands and Africa
Francisco Gutierrez – IEPRI, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Recruitment revisited
Yoke van der Meulen – Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeit University
Palestinian Youth and Agency: Growing Up with Hopeless Hope
11:00-11:30 – Tea/Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00 – Panel 5: The Lights of the City: Urbanization and the Informal Economy
Dr. Paul Jenkins – School of the Built Environment – Heriot-Watt University
The Challenges of Urbanization for Youth in Sub-Saharan Africa
Dr. Basile Ndjio – University of Douala (Cameroon)
Cameroonian feymen and Nigerian ‘419’ scammers: two examples of Africa’s ‘reinvention’ of the global capitalism
Dr. Aboubacar Momoh – Department of Political Science, University of Lagos
Citizenship as Social Construction: Making meaning of Area Boys and the Public Space in Lagos
13:00 – 14:00 – Lunch
14:00 – 15:30 – Discussion Groups
Group 1 – Definitions and Conceptualizations of Youth
Group 2 – Agency, Marginalization and Social Location
Group 3 - Integration, Participation and Active Citizenship
15:130 – 16:00 – Tea/coffee break
16:00 – 17:00 – Closing Session
Discussion Groups Reports
Sum Up of conference discussions
Prof. Alcinda Honwana
Closing remarks:
Youth Culture is beyond national borders and is transcended. They have cultural citizenship beyond countries and states. We need to build our networks like obama who built his network of youth to win the election. The Continuity and the commitment makes the difference.
I was touched by the plights of the child soldiers in several African countries, who are kidnapped from their families to be trained and used for fighting the Government especially in Rwanda.
I was impressed by the custom of youth in a country where they have to build their own house to get married. So the youth work hard to earn money to build house. Only then they can get married. This was a good custom as against all other Tamilian youth who get married without work, job and house. The parents get them married and look after them even after marriage. Some of them depend on the dowry the girl brings.
22nd Sat: I watched for the first time snow fall. I was in the room and saw through the long big glass window. It was very great sight. Later in the evening i went out for a walk and picked it up. It was great feeling.
23rd Sun: Christ the King Solomnity. I woke up from the phone call from Vinith. Mercy said that there was very heavy rain in Tamil Nadu for a week and still pouring down.
24th Mon: Visited the Ireland Embassy to apply for Visa to go for holidays to Florence akka and meet Casi in Ireland.
26th Wed: I was the secretary for Tutorial on Environment and Sustainable Development
27th Thu: I attended the IT skills Development class.
28th Fri: I presented the 3 Generation in the Children and Youth Studies(CYS)
29th Sat: National Inter religious Conference on Religion and Human Rights. The Workshop on Medical Ethical Dilemmas was very interesting.
In the evening we had International Day. Exhibitions of each country, Food Fair and Cultural Programme were very interesting. First time I remained so long in the ISS late in the evening.
International Day 2008
This year's International Day held on Saturday 29 November from 16.00 hrs onwards !The International Day is a yearly event, with a food fair, an exhibition of artifacts followed by a Performance Night with poetry, music, dance and more from all over the world. You have never seen anything like it...!
At 16.00 hrs we will have a exhibition of artifacts in the corridors on the first floor, so we need you to bring traditional clothes, posters, artifacts, anything that you would like to put on display.At 18.00 hrs: Food Fair ! The idea is, that people can sample food from various regions and countries. This will be held in the atrium. There will be stalls from which we can serve the food .Then at 20.00 hrs, after we have cleared the tables and moved them out of the way:Performance Night !Imagine traditional dances and songs by performers, some more confident than others, from over 30 different countries, some with audience participation, making it hard to see where the stage begins and ends…A heart warming celebration of our kaleidoscope of cultures
30th Sun: I went with Ramkrishnan IAS to Delft to meet tamil students in UNESCO IHE and we met Ramesh and Mohan. It was an interesting meeting. After 3 months first time had sambar and rasam.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


The inhuman living conditions of the people especially in the developing countries makes one raise questions of the existence of the human rights. What is UN doing about it all? What has happened to the Human Rights bodies in every country that accepted to sign the human rights charter of the UN? What has happened to the dignity of the human being that was targeted by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). With such questions and search that this paper is written. In this paper we will focus on the definition and meaning of the term human rights. Later the different dimensions of Poverty that has affected the human race will be discussed. Finally we will discuss the implementation of the Human Rights is the duty of International and Regional and National bodies.
There are several definitions and explanations to the concept of human rights. Here we see a few of them. Burnell defines as, “Rights are entitlements of individuals or groups, and differ from ideas of justice or human dignity. Human rights are either the rights everyone has because they are human or those generally recognized as such by governments or in international law”(Burnell, 2008:357). He is right in saying that just because one is a human being he is entitled to human rights. Such human rights are generally recognized as such by Governments and International laws.
Though the human rights are looked at one a single concept yet distinctions are made between certain inherent elements of the same. “Distinctions are often made between civil and political rights, on the one hand, and economic, social, and cultural rights, on the other hand” (Ibid). The civil and political rights are assured by the Government which involves rights that are provided to the citizens of the country without any discrimination. Economic rights involve aspects that are needed for basic human living standards involving basic things such as food, shelter and clothing. Social and Cultural would involve other factors that are needed for social and cultural expressions.
The next question is: what is the mechanism to take care of the human rights globally, nationally and locally? “The human rights conduct of states is regulated with varying degrees of effectiveness, by legal and political regimes at international, regional, and national levels.” (Burnell, 358). At the International level there is the United Nations Organizations which promotes human rights in all the countries of the world. “The international human rights regime consists of a large body of international law and a complex set of institutions to implement it. Chief among these institutions was the UN commission on the Human Rights, established 1945-7. In 2006 the UN replaced the Commission with the Human Rights Council in an attempt to improve human rights performance” (Ibid). It is effective as a promotional Institution. At the Regional level groups of Countries come together and form a group to organize themselves in protection of human rights. At the national level each country is responsible to set up institution to take care of the issues of human rights.
The understanding and explanations to poverty has been varied. The wiky pedia has this to say, “Poverty (also called penury) is deprivation of common necessities that determine the quality of life, including food, clothing, shelter and safe drinking water, and may also include the deprivation of opportunities to learn, to obtain better employment to escape poverty, and/or to enjoy the respect of fellow citizens." (wiky pedia website). This explanation is from the point of view of deprivations that a person encounters because one is poor. There other aspects which Gordon points out as poverty has social, political and economic aspects. It takes place within a country with a particular political system and way of governing. (Gordon, 2001: 9)
That takes us to the next question of measuring the poverty. Again Gordon says, “One common approach to poverty is to base it on the amount of income that an individual or household has. This is an economic measure and largely sees poverty as an economic condition. Poverty in this sense can be measured by establishing an income level, a `poverty line` below which a person is considered to be in poverty”. (Ibid. 10) Another means to measure wealth is the Gross National Product (GNP) per capita of a country. Yet another way is by Human Development Index (HDI), which captures the various experiences of poverty beyond mere economic definition. It considers various dimensions of poverty and the problems that the poor face than mere poor income. Poverty is also seen relative to the lives of other people who live in the country as social exclusion that poor people are excluded from active participation in the society. (Ibid. 10-13)
It is interesting to note that the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has yet another measurement called the Human Poverty Index (HPI), again with several variants. The HPI is an average of three or four measures of deprivation: vulnerability to death at a relatively early age, deprivation in knowledge, and lack of decent living standards. It is interesting to note that the UNDP has developed two different HPIs, one for industrialized countries and one for developing countries as there are different variants in each settings (Allen, 2000:16).
Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Right (UDHR) states that “everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.” (Buitenweg,2007:51). Adequate standard of living for every one is a great challenge today.
It is not surprising that the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) targeted in alleviating poverty by assuring standard of living to the poor. The World Bank`s Development Goals of which four are directly linked to the alleviation of Poverty. Reduction of poverty by one half the proportion of the people in extreme poverty by 2015. Mortality reduction by two thirds the mortality rates for infants and children under 5 and by three-fourths the mortality rates for mothers by 2015. Achieving universal primary education for all, in all countries by 2015. Health Provision access to reproductive health services for all individuals of appropriate age no later than 2015. (Allen,4)
It is alarming to note the statistics published by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Six million children under the age of five, die each year due to hunger. Around 840 million people suffer due to malnutrition. In Africa alone 34 percent of the population is severely malnourished. The UN Habitat, the UN Human Settlements Programme points out that more than a billion people live in inadequate housing conditions in the urban areas slums and on the pavements. The plight of the people in the developed countries is no better. For example in Dublin about 7000 people become homeless each year. And in the United States of America about 750,000 people are homeless every night. (Buitenweg, 52). Poverty and inhuman situations are prevalent all parts of the world. In every country there are poor and inhuman situations.
The effort of the International, Regional and the National bodies in the effort to eradicate and reduce inhuman situations are noteworthy. Yet we see the situations have not changed much. It is because of several reasons. Most common is again the poverty of the nation which cannot assure standard of living for all the citizens of the country. In the words of Burnell, “Most developing countries are poor and cannot afford the full implementation of human rights. Most developing countries have little power in the global economic system, and are consequently vulnerable to the policies of powerful states and non-state actors that are often unfriendly to human rights” (Burnell, 362).
Another common argument is that development should have priority over human rights, meaning for the sake of development one the country should even be ready to sacrifice human rights. It is proposed even some restrictions of human rights to achieve development (Ibid). But the UNO is right in pointing out that “development and human rights as interdependent, not in the sense that each always helps other, but in so far as improvements in each make the achievement of each other easier. Crises of development are often accompanied by crises of human rights, as countries like Somalia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Liberia show. Development success is good news for human rights as South Korea and Taiwan illustrate” (Ibid:370). It is logical that there can be no true development in a country which does not assure human standards of living to its citizens.
In the above pages we noted that every human person has human right just because one is human. The human rights are individual as well as group based. There are different classifications of human rights in to political, civil, social, cultural and economical rights. There are Organizations at the Global level, Regional levels and National levels to promote and implement the human rights. The UNO which is a International regime is effective as a promotional body and so is the regional bodies which are effective likewise. The implementation of the at the national levels in the developing nations are a challenge since due to poverty and the eagerness for development bypassing human rights.
The plight of the poor in both developed and developing countries are pitiable. The inhuman situations of the poor insist that human rights be implemented immediately and effectively. At the International level the United Nations Organization has been attempting repeatedly to insist the nations to provide Human Rights assurance to all the people of the world. In this effort the UN has insisted on good governance in the country. Kofi Annan the previous Secretary General of the United Nations said, “UN programmes now target virtually all the key elements of good governance.....without good governance no amount of funding, no amount of charity will set the developing world on the path to prosperity. Member states have increasingly recognised that good governance is indispensable for building peaceful, prosperous and democratic societies” (Allen, 380). As final word it can be said that there can be no development without human rights; and no human rights without good governance. It is the sole responsibility of the nation to implement human rights and assure human standard of living and human dignity to all its citizens.

Burnell, peter and Randall,Vicky (2008) Politics in the Developing World, New York: Oxford University press.
Buitenweg, Rob (2007) Human Rights and Human Plights in a Global Village Atlanta: Clarity Press.
Allen, Tim and Alan Thomas (ed) (2000) Poverty and Development into the 21st Centuary, Oxford University Press.
Gordon Wilson and Ann LeMare (2001) U2123/TU871 Preparing for Development, The Open University Sup 57464. (text book)
Wikipedia website: accessed on 14.10.08) 21.30.



1st: First Day to ISS. Moni Zans gave me a cycle and showed me the way to ISS from Vooberg. Going Back I had to find my way. Settling Financial Matters at ISS.
2nd: Common Session of Information
3rd: Sitting with the Specialization
4th: Making option for basic courses
5th: Inauguration of year. Welcome Party. Same evening Biju came and took me to Don Bosco Rijswik at
6th: I had Dutch Classes by Henny, Camillo and Cecelia were there as Volunteers from Italy
7th: Sara arrived from Germany later Lukas too.
8th: Language Test at ISS.
9th: All the Students were taken to Amsterdam for a Picnic.
10th: The CYS batch went to Rotterdam for field visit. HIP HOP HUIS, AND VICTORY CHURCH CHILDREN AND YOUTH BAND GROUPS.
14 th: I celebrated the first Sunday Mass at the Residence. Henny took me to Leidam warm clothes for me. Had little sightseeing of the town.
15th: Visit to the Bank from the ISS.
18th: Got Monthly Card to travel by tram to the Insitute......REGULAR CLASSES ......
04th Went cycling the whole day with Camilo and Silvia to the Windmills and to the city. Good day.
05th: Community Meeting.
09th: Residence permit Medical Check up. TB Test and Registration in the Community Hall for the Registration Card. Henny took me to the Rijswik Community Hall. I Got it in 5 minutes...great surprise unlike India.
11th: Bought Camera with Biju. Went to Watch the KALAI KAVERI DANCE PERFORMANCE. The girl from Tharangampadi was one of the group member who invited me. It good programme. Met many Tamils from SriLanka. Met fr.Sebastian MSFS from Tamil Nadu and Mr.Francis from Srilanka. It was long and tedious journey due a train accident.
12th. Went for mass to Schiedam to an Irish group in English
13th Birth day of Leo.
17 th: A class on Internet banking.
19th: Mass at Schiedam. Birth Day celebration for Henny.
22nd: Group Exam in Economics.
A week of Study Recess before Exams and Exams.
24th: wrote a paper on Poverty and Human Rights
30th: Advance Sociology Exam
31st: Modern Economics Thoughts Exam



The boys arrived back in the evening after their Christmas holidays.
The vocational training centre was re-opened. The staff had staff meeting.
Ms. Mercy and Ms. Alli from CESVI visited.
Fr. Rayan celebrates Sunday mass in the parish church at Tharangambadi.
07, 08.01.08
Fr. Rayan goes to Velankanni for day of prayer.
Youth animation was conducted for the boys of vocational training center. They also celebrated pongal.
14, 15, 16.01.08
Pongal festival holidays. They staff organize competitions for children and share pongal with people.
Bro. Shagaya Raj goes to Karaikudi for polytechnic approval.
Youth cultural fest was celebrated and prizes were distributed. Twenty Youth Groups participated and about 230 young men and women participated in the Festival.
22, 23, 24.01.08
The students of B.Ed., college of Don Bosco at Karaikal conduct social service camp at DB Tharangam.
Don Bosco Thanjavour celebrated the silver jubilee of the school. Fr.Rayan joined in the celebration.

Family based care was distributed to fifty families.
Republic day was celebrated with flag hoisting at the shelter with boys and staff.

Bro. Shagaya Raj goes to kuthankuli to place orders for equipments needed for the polytechnic.
Don Bosco feast was celebrated with the students of vocational training centre. They had sports and games and concluded with prayer service and cultural Programme. The celebration ended with tea party.
First feast of St. John Bosco. Fr.Lourdu parish priest of Tharangambadi was the chief celebrant in the mass. Local priests and religious joined the staff and boys of the home in the celebration. They all took part in the dinner.
Then in the afternoon the boys had Don Bosco quiz. The winners were awarded with prizes.
In the evening all the boys and the staff went to Don Bosco Karaikal and participated in the cultural evening and a massage programme on Don Bosco named cwtpd; rq;fkk;. The team was given dinner and returned home late in the evening.

Staff meeting was held and salary distributed for the staff.
Family Based care materials were distributed to the poor children and parents.
Fr. Thomas Louis from Tiruchy visits Don Bosco with guests.

Fr. Rayan goes to Don Bosco Thanjavur to celebrate Birth day of Fr. Theophillus.
Fr. Rayan goes to Trichy for the provincial council.
Ash Wednesday. Fr. Rayan celebrates mass for staff and children in the evening.
Intensive Residential coaching classes and study was begun for girls preparing for Government examinations. About 20 poor and orphan girls from nearby villages were given accommodation and food. They were given special classes to prepare for the Examinations.
Way of the cross was conducted with the shelter children and staffs.
Family Based Care was distributed to 35 families and children. One day seminar was conducted for the ITI boys and girls on HIV/AIDS.
09, 10.02.08
Two days folk art training was conducted for 40 children from working areas.
Three women who had eye surgery at Pondicherry Aravindh hospital returned happily. They were helped by Don Bosco.
12, 13, 14.02.08
The CESVI partners had a training Programme organized for the wardens of the children home in our centre. They were 25 participants from 4 partners of Cesvi. The training Programme was organized by CESVI.
Fr. Rayan attends a meeting in Trichy with Salesians working in Anbu Illam, preparing new project.
Fr. Theopillas visits Don Bosco Tharangam on his way to DB Karaikal.

22, 23.02.08
Fr. Rayan takes the staffs, volunteers and youth for an exposure to Dindigul and Kodaikanal. Forty five staffs and volunteers and youth went to Don Bosco Community College, Gandhigram University, Real and Peak social work centre at Kodaikanal. The staff enjoyed their trip and learned a lot from this trip.
The Salesian from Don Bosco Thanjavur came to DBT for Trimonthly recollection. The parish priest of Tharangambadi Fr.Lourdhu samy preached the recollection.
Visit to Tharangambadi and Rajivpuram.
Visit to Sarapoji, Pichaikattalai and Thottam.
Visit to Natchathiramalai.
28, 29, 02.08
Two days of project review was conducted by CESVI head office with the staff team at Don Bosco. Three years evaluation and planning for the future was conducted.


The home boys went on excursion to Thanjavur , kallanai and Pondi Basilica of our lady. They went by train from Mayiladuthurai. It was the first time journey for most of the boys. They stayed at Don Bosco Thanjavur and returned the next day.
Staff meeting was held and salary distributed.
Fr. Lourdu the Rector of Don Bosco , Karaikal celebrated his birth day. Fr. Rayan and Bro. shagayaraj went in the evening to wish him. Fr. Theophillus came to stay here for the height on his way back to Thanjavur.
Women’s day was celebrated with about 300 women at the centre sr. Emarance inaugurated speech. The women staff animated the whole day on the “10 ways to women’s liberation “prepared by Don Bosco Team. Mr. Charles, the insurance officer also spoke on the need of insurance to women.
Bro. Shagayaraj goes to Coimbatore to purchase material for the polytechnic.
Fr. Rayan goes to sivagangai to see his sick uncle priest Fr. Pancres.
St. Joseph feast was celebrated with high lady mass. This year the feast was anticipated sine the actual date was falling during the Holy week .
Salesian and the Boys joined Parish at the celebration of Palm Sunday. It was an ecumenical celebration of Roman catholic church , church of south India(CSI) and Lutheran church . Bro. Shagayaraj read the Gospel and Fr. Rayan preached on the market place, and celebrated mass in the parish.s
Family Based Care was provided.
20,21, 2203.08
For the Holy week celebrations Salesian and Boys joined the Parish. Fr. Rayan celebrated Easter vigil in the parish.
Don Bosco Valikatti from Trichy conducted one day youth animation programme on entrepreneurship. 200 youth participated.
Staff training was conducted on evoking child protection policy for Don Bosco.
Province level women’s day was celebrated at Madurai in seven women from Tharangambadi participated. Fr. Rayan goes to Madurai to see his uncle priest who was sick and in hospital.

Fr. Rayan goes to Don Bosco Thanjavur to wish Fr. Benji to wish him on his 50th birth day. Fr. Thommai Rajan visits Don Bosco Tharangambadi.
Staff meeting was held and salary distributed. Social awareness Drama’s collection of songs …….and a booklet…… with picture of social Reformer with a brief life scotch was also released

April- 08

Flood relief materials were distributed to the people. About 100 people were given rice, clothes and coconut leaves for their have roofs.
Media education classes were conducted for the youth about 180 youth participated in the programme conducted by Fr. Arokiaraj of the director of Alaihal media center, Trichy.
About 10 youth went to Retreat, Yercaud to attend the youth Retreat organized by the province.
Village education / empowerment committee meeting was organized the centre in which 350 elders participated from 45 villages.
Certificates were distributed to those who completed six months of vocational training in Electricals and computer coaching classes, about 80 students received certificates.
Summer computer coaching classes started 120 students in 3 batches attend and month course.
Fr. Rayan , Mr. students , Mr. johnpeter and Mr. Justin attend partner’s meet of CESVI at Chennai. Fourth year proposal was given to the agency to support the activities of Don Bosco .
Internal audit was conducted by CESVI .Mr. Ramanathan from Chennai conducted it. They were positive about the practices. They also gave a few suggestion to regularize the practices of the new centre.
Madhavan a senior boy who was in the shelter for a few months fell down from a tree at home. He is recovering.
Summer coaching classes for 10th standard was started. There were about 60 boys and girls who attended the class which would last for a month. Summer computer coaching classes 100 were conducted in which about 120 students participated.
The 3 field animators from Poombukar came to Tharangambadi for a day of field expenses. Mr. Nataraj organized it.
Fr. Rayan goes to Trichy to attend the provincial council meeting.
Third anniversary of Don Bosco Tharangam was celebrated with shelter children and staff. Staff meeting was conducted and Salesian distribution.


Summer camp for children in 10 cluster evening 1200 children for 20 days was began. It was conducted with the help of youth volunteers and out staff. It was very much appreciated in the villages.
Visited and supervised centre at Poombukar children summer camp programmes.
Annual general body meeting of staff welfare was fund. New office bearer elected.
Selection of children for boys shelter.

30 tailoring machines distributed orphan girls who learnt tailoring.
Children from different areas visited DBT as part of summer camp. They had a day of programme and dinner served for them. The dates and centre are,
07.05- Visalur
08.05 - Tharangambadi and Rajivpuram
12.05 - Palur and Eduthukatti , Mangudi, puthoor
13.05 - Karampallam and Kattucherry
14.05 - Thudaripettai and Thiruvidaikazhi
15.05 - Thottam and Thirukadaiyur
16.05 - 10th and computer classes
Final day of summer camp and conclusion celebrated at all centre.
The parish priest invited Fr. Rayan for a mass at Eduthukatti and a farewell celebration there after.
Family Based Care help given to proposes.
Staff meeting and distribution of salary was given. The staff gave a farewell Fr. Rayan as he was going for studies.

Amul Jothi house blessing. Tea with Sankari and Prabha and staffs at Tarangampadi. Supper in Pushparani family at Eduthukatti.
Lunch with Antuan family.
Vocation Bible class at Saraboji visit. Visit to Kausalya mother and family.
Celebrated Thanksgiving mass in the Morning. Left Tharangampadi at to Don Bosco Thanjavur.
Perpetual Profession function at Don Bosco.
Rest at Thanjavur.
Fr.Pancras, my periappa passes away at Madurai in St.Leuca Hospital at 11.30pm where he was hospitalized for two months.

Funeral of Fr.Pancras at Sivagangai Bishops house at
Mass for second death Anniversary of Mr.Sahayaraj the father of Ajar at Villathikulam, with Amal raj and our family. (thambi)
Final Religious profession of sr.Shyla the relative of Sr.Eglantine at Nagercoil with Amalraj.



Fr. Rayan celebrates the New year with the community at DB Thanjavur and reaches Tharangambadi in the evening.
Staff meeting and salary being Don Bosco month the team took a recreation to conduct on youth this month. To have a youth cluster meeting.
Fr. Rayan pays a visit to the parish priest and all the religion to wish for the New year.
Fr. Rayan visits the new evening class areas of Mangudi, Attupakkam , Karampallam and Eduthukatti palur.
Fr. Rayan visits few more mew areas such as Vallakulam, Neejakulam, sarapoji, Natchathiramalai and Annapanpettai.
Fr. Rayan visits Thiruvidaikazhi, Therkutheru and Jeeva Nager.
Fr. Rayan attends recollection at Thanjavur.
Fr. Rayan attends the pretiminary meeting for the provincial chapter at Trichy.
Fr. Rayan discusses with engineer Rajkumar about the shelter home being built at Kazhiyappanallur.
Fr. Rayan visits fisher folk centers for supplementary education for children.
Mr. Suresh from CESVI visits our area.
National youth day. Our team members conduct awareness with a handout on youth rights and action.
Fr. Rayan attends pongal celebration at the Tailoring center at Akkur. The children from villages around Kazhiyappanallur gather at our land to celebrate pongal. They also plant 50 trees at the land.
Fr. Rayan meets the William family from PAPA fund from England along with Mr. Joseph at Don Bosco Thanjavur.
15 to 19.01.07
Fr. Rayan participates in the provincial chapter at Trichy provincial house.
Fr. Rayan joins the provincial house. Later he attends provincial council.
Fr. Rayan is at Don Bosco Thanjavur.
Staff celebrates pongal at our land.
Being the month of Don Bosco, the team lunacies a 10 point awareness campaign for the youth of on operation area. The date and plan as followed. Youth women at Thirukadaiyur.
Young men meeting at Tharangambadi and Nayanam colony.
Young women meeting at Palur.
Young men group meet at Thiruvidaikazhi and young women group meet at Thudaripettai.
Young women group meet at Tharangambadi.
50 children from our areas join the children’s day celebration organized by NCRC.
Fr. Rayan visits coastal village of Don Bosco operation.
Fr. Rayan visits villages of Thirukadaiyur cluster.
The Don Bosco team celebrates Don Bosco feast with holy Eucharist and a discussion on youth services.

Evening class stared for a new village of Christian known as Anna Nagar.
For youth from Tharangambadi go to Trichy Don Bosco vahikatti to participate in the training to attend competitive examinations.
Fr. Rayan attends the provincial council at Trichy.
Two workshops on How to face examinations? were conducted for the students in Hamedia high secondary school at thirukalachery and government higher secondary school at Thirukadaiyur.
Concrete for the first floor roof for the residence building was done.
Fr. Rayan goes to help Fr. Maran in preparing project for the office.
Youth from Eduthukatti village go to K.pudur Madurai to dance for a song from the audio album at its release.
Concrete was alone for the ground floor roof for polytechnic building.
Tailoring girls had a meeting on economic freedom for women. The same day survey of the boundaries was done.
Thanjavur Madhakottai community came to Tharangambadi for Tri- Monthly recollection.
Young women go to Trichy to attend training on self employment and entrepreneurship organized by Vazhikatti.
Folk art training was conducted for the staffs and volunteers at Kazhiyappanallur.
The children home funded by CESVI was inaugurated. The provincial blessed it. Ms. Simona Stella inaugurated it. The staff and volunteers performed cultural program.
A few staff members and Fr. Rayan went to the shrine of Veilankanni to thank our lady.
Fr. Rayan and few staff went to Thanjavur to participate in the Tamil Festival.
Fr. Rayan and staff attend the marriage of vocational training staff Arokia Raj and Vasuki at kovandakurivhi near lalgudi.
The team members shift from rented building of Tharangambadi to Kazhiyappanallur.

Fr. Rayan goes to Don Bosco Thanjavur for the Tri- monthly recollection.


Four children who had lost their mother and with alcoholic father was referred to AVVAI shelter through childline.
Two team members John paul and Arockiam go to Yelagiri for training on MCS ( Missing children search) on National programme of YAR in collaboration with UNICEF.
Staff meeting was held and salary distributed.
Women’s celebration with Kazhiyappanallur tailoring center.
Five boys and girls go to Dindigul sirumalai for social Awareness camp.
Fr. Rayan goes to attend the provincial council at Trichy.
Fr. Rayan attends child welfare committee meeting at Salem juvenile home.
13to 15.03.07
Field co- ordinator from CESVI visit our areas.

16 to 18.03.07
Five youth from working areas go to Trichy Vazhikatti for VAO (Village administration officer) special training to attend selection examination.
Feast of St. Joseph Fr. Rayan attends the celebration by sisters of Joseph of tarps at Eduthukatti and sisters of Joseph of Lyons at poompuhar.
20 to 22.03.07
The ----- organize women’s day discussion and sharing in different operational areas.
I floor concrete was done in Don Bosco residence building. It was completed only at
Fr. Rayan goes to Don Bosco Thanjavur to join the birth day celebration of Fr. Christy.
Fr. Rayan goes to Velankanni to make recollection shrine the missed the community one.
Women’s day sharing and discussion organized different areas of our work.
Don Bosco Tharangam Trust was registered (DBT) Tharangam Means Ocean. The center will be an ocean of youth activities. CESVI A/C team visits to monitor accounting procedures.
Staff meeting and salary, Fr. Rayan leaves for Hyderabad for YAR meeting; this was especially for home link project.
31.03.07 and
YAR meet at Hyderabad Fr. Rayan attends the meeting since we have project in search institution of missing children. It is a program supported by UNICEF. There are 72 such institutions which are salacious who have taken this initiative to trace the unaccompanied children. The Don Bosco anbu illam of Coimbatore acts as a hub which co- ordinate the 10 nodals of Tamil nadu. This inactive is taken by the DBYAR of the salacious in India. The website WWW. serves as the point of communication. The 72 institutions are the website to upload and download information regarding the children.

Meeting of DBYAR at Hyderabad Fr. Rayan attends Cesvi partner’s meeting at Chennai. The funding agency which supports are activities at DBT held annual. Partner’s meeting at Chennai. Fr. Rayan, Mr. Xavier the coordinator, Mr. Justin and Mr. Johnpeter the accountant’s participated in the meeting . the annual reports and action plan for the coming year was presented.
Holy week Celebration. Fr. Rayan helps the parish priest of Tharangambadi Fr. Lourde.
Fr. Rayan attends the provincial council at Trichy.
The primary school of Eduthukatti of the diocese and run by the sisters of st.Joseph ofTarbs celebrated the school day. DBT donated tank and water pump for drinking water.
Being the Tamil New year day and the birthday of Dr. Ambathkar at the centers observed the day with competitions and celebration.

Fr. Rayan goes to Vailankanni.
Financial support of Tsunami orphans and semi orphans a consultation was held in the collect orate of Nagapattinam. 58 children were taken from our areas for the same.
Field co-ordinate from Cesvi visits our areas.
All the 3 tailoring center came to DBT to celebrate Tamil New year day. There were 75 girls who participated in the function.
DBT begins summer camp for children. 1000 children were together. Classes and games occupied the whole day. Weekly prizes such as hygienic materials were offer to children.
Fr. Rayan goes to the community DB Thanjavur.
One of the staff Mr. Nataraj received baptism, as a preparation to marry a catholic girl working in John school.
Fr. Rayan and Mr. Xavier travel to Chennai to attend a meeting with Cesvi to finales the third year budget.
Fr. Rayan conducts fourth quarter evaluation with the staff team. By April second year project ends.
Fr. Rayan goes to Vailankanni to spend a day in prayer.

Child labor elimination day was observed. Summer camps in inaugurated in 10 places covering 50 villages and targeting 1000 children was held today.

A poor youth is sent for English coaching class conducted by alaihal at Trichy. A catholic youth named Vallavan from Eduthukatti is sent for vocational camp held at DB Thanjavur. He was working as a volunteer with DBT in taking class for private students from May 1st to 20th summer camps were conducted areas where summer camp were conducted.
Villages children participated

Thudaripettai 73
Sarapoji 109
Thiruvidaikazhi 220
Palur 190
Thillaiyadi 73
Karampallam 101
P. Koothur 85
Thottam 173
Total 1053 children
The children spent the full day at the camp sites. They had classes, talents, developments and games. Every day eatable were distributed weekly prizes were given. End of the month valedictory programmed was conducted and prizes were distributed. The program was appreciated much.
Fist floor concrete was done for the polytechnic building.
Cesvi team visits our operational areas Mr. Lisa was on her last visit. Ms. Mercy would take up the Indian Cesvi office. They both distributed certificated to the tailoring students who finished 6 months training 103 girls and 8 boys received certificates.
Summer camp valedictory programmed was conducted. Public programmes were organized by children for the public.
Staff interview was conducted for the coming year. There children who will be admitted in to the shelter came for enrollment.
The staff team gathered for the evolution of the year. All the volunteers also gathered for the occasion. It was also clay of farewell because some staffs were getting back to their native places.
Bro. sahayaraj arrives DBT. He joins as the administrator and Incharge of polytechnic. He was welcomed by the whole staff team, with ponnadai/ towel.
Fr. Rayan goes to Thanjavur for the birth day celebration of Br. Vimalan.
Fr. Rayan and Br. Sahayaraj attend the perpetual profession celebration at Don Bosco Thanjavur.

Fr. Rayan joins the community for a picnic to Maduraj.
Fr. Rayan goes to the provincial house to leave Fr.VJ, who is transferred there as the administrator.
Fr. Rayan conducts the marriage of a staff Mr. Nataraj (a) Nirmal raj in the parish church of Tharangambadi.
Fr. Rayan goes to the shrine of Vailankanni. The staff team was given 10 days holidays.


After 10 days of holidays the staff team met to pray and plan for the year. New assignment was distributed to the staff.
Salary was distributed and planning was completed.
Fr.Rayan and Bro. sahayaraj go to Don Bosco Thanjavur for community meeting and Assembly confreres.
Fr. Rayan conducts staff animation for the teachers of Don Bosco School.
Private study center was started for the students who drop-out from school and there who failed.
Non- formal electrical and computer course was started. Bro. Sahagaraj organized all Non- formal trainings.
The community of Don Bosco Thanjavur visited Don Bosco Tharangam. After lunch Fr. Rayan and Bro. sahayaraj joined them with the collaboration to the shrine of vailankanni to seek he blessings at the beginning of the New Year.
The news of death of Fr. Amala joseph at USA arrived. Feast of body and blood of Christ.
The boys for the shelter home arrived. 22 boys joined the shelter. They were all orphans and semi- orphans. They stay at the shelter and attend the schools at Thirukadaiyur.
Bro. Sahagaraj goes to Maduraj to attend zonal youth directional meet.
Educational materials distributed to all children in our operational areas. Materials worth of Rs. 2,50,000/- was distributed to all children who admitted evening classes last year.
Fr. Antony Joseph and Fr. Maran come to see the development of the building works.
Fr. Rayan attends the child welfare committee meeting at Salem.
Fr. Rayan participated in the old boys meeting in Don Bosco Anbu illam Salem.
Fr. Rayan attends the funeral of Fr. Amala Joseph at perambur in Chennai.

Cesvi procedure policy meeting was held at DB Tharangam.
Fr. Rayan attends the provincial council at Trichy.
21, 22.06.-7
Cesvi policy on children visits came from Italy to share them policy.
Fr. Rayan goes to DB Thanjavur for the community celebration of Fr.Jeyan birth day.
Fr. Rayan goes to Kodaikanal for retreat from 25 to 30th june.


The boys and Bro. Sahayaraj attend the function at chinthadaripettai renovated chapel built organized by the parish priest.
Fr. Rayan returns after retreat. Bro. Sahagaraj goes to Trichy to bring two wheeler.
Staff meeting was conducted and salary distributed.
Visitor from Cesvi arrive to take pictures of children and community.
New areas of evening classes are started near sarapoji and Killiyur.
Death of Fr. John Nedumpuram at Don Bosco, Coimbatore was received.
Funeral of Fr. N.I.john at the new cemetery, at AMSAM,Trichy. This was the first funeral in the province Fr. Rayan attends it.
There girls are sent for nursing training at St. Annes Trichy. Fr. Rayan visits villages like Odaikarai, Natchathiramalai and Killiyur to start new centers.
Fr. Rayan preaches recollection for the sisters of St. Joseph Lyons who are working with the Jesuits at poompuhar.
Provincial and economer visit Tharangam to see the building and to plan for the blessing and inauguration.
First youth meeting was conducted at DBT. About 210 youth men and women participated. Bro. Sahayaraj in both local and regional youth coordinator.
Bro. Sahayaraj goes to provincial house to attend administrators meeting.
All commission meeting was held and both Fr. Rayan, as head of marginalized youth commission and Bro. Sahayaraj as member of Technical school commission attends, the meeting. Fr. Rayan gives a talk on vocation and mission of lay collaboration.
Fr. Rayan attends the provincial council at Trichy.

Bro. Sahayaraj attends a seminar organized by CAUVERI on right to information set and guarantee of rural employment scheme.
Bro. sahayaraj goes to Kuthenkuly polytechnic to work to wards approval of the proposal polytechnic at Kazhiyappanallur.
Fr. Rayan celebrates birth day mass with boys and goes to Don Bosco Thanjavur for the community celebration of that Fr. Baptist.
Three phase electric power connection to received for Don Bosco.
We received the sad news of the death of Fr. Philip kootianil, aged 74 at Madhakottai parish in Thanjavur. This is the third death in the province.
Fr. Rayan attends funeral of Fr. Philip at AMSAM Trichy. Many salacious from both Madres and Trichy province attended the funeral.


Staff meeting was held. Three months evaluation and planning was held and report sent to CESVI ITALY.
Local holiday due to AADI 18 Fr. Rayan visits new villages such as Perumal kovil pathu and sengamedu to meet drop- out children.
Fr. Rayan celebrates Sunday mass in the parish church.
Fr. Rayan and Bro. Sahayaraj meet NGO SAFAL to discuss about joint venture in vocational training for youth.
Two staff Arulmozhi and Stella attend a seminar organized at the provincial house on the of strenna of the year. Family based care children were gathered and things were distributed for 40.Fr. Rayan goes to Vellankanni for prayer.
Youth zonal meeting was conducted. 150 youth participated.
Assumption and Independence Day celebration staff and villages attended Grama saba meeting in all panchayat. Children had competitions.
Family based care provided to Thirukadaiyur cluster.
Staff training and Non- formal students one day seminar was organized by Fr. Maran and Fr. Adaikala Raj from Trichy.
Fr. Rayan goes to Trichy for provincial council meeting.
Child rights club federation level meeting was conducted. About 150 children took part in it.
Two tailoring staffs sankari and praba attend the curriculum planning training at the provincial house.
An Italian insists an associate of CESVI ITALY spends one week with children teaching painting.
Bro. Sahayaraj goes to Delhi for brothers meeting.
Fr. Rayan conducts the marriage of Mr. Arockiam staff at Kumbakonam. Fr. Rayan goes to Thanjavur for Tri- monthly recollection.
Death of Fr. Rozario perez the Rector of Don Bosco Dindigul due to heart attack.
Fr. Rayan attends the funeral of Fr. Rozario at AMSAM Trichy.
Fr. Rayan attends the state level consultation on prevention of child trafficking and presents a paper on tracking children on Tracks. As the head of marginalized youth commission conducts the commission meeting at Salem Don Bosco Anbu illam. As a commission the province launches the website on missing child search fr. Provincial preside over the function.

Staff meeting was held and preparatory work began for the blessing and inaugurated of the center to the held on 26.09.07.
Rectors and leaders meeting was conducted at the provincial house. Fr. Rayan attends it.
Fr. Rayan conducts the marriage of staff Justin at Kumbakonam.
Fr. Rayan and a few staffs attend the final day of the feast of our lady of veillankkanni.
Salesians from Don Bosco Thanjavur visit DB Tharangam. Fr. Rayan goes to Thanjavur Don Bosco for a meeting.
Fr. Charles Rector of yercaud visits with her benefactors on the way to veilankanni , they visit a village and meet children and people.
Fr. Rayan goes to the provincial house for a consultative meeting regarding youth resource centre. He along with others visit IDEAS of the Jesuit and people’s watch in madurai.
Bro. Sahayaraj goes to Chennai for the meeting of the Salesian brothers at citadel.
Sixteen private study students of first batch appear for exams.

The candidates and Fr. Baptist and Bro.Anto arrive for the blessing and inauguration of Don Bosco Tharangam. They decorated the house and sang for the mass.
BLESSING AND OPENING OF DON BOSCO THARANGAM and TECHNICAL TRAINING CENTER Rev. Ambross devadass Bishop of Thanjavur diocese blessed the building. Rev. Fr. Amalraj. Provincial opened the building. All the community organized, students and inmates arranged for the programmed. There was a holy mass at 11.30 and lunch. The Salesian community of Don Bosco Thanjavur participated. Thirty staff members from Don Bosco anbu illam Salem attended the function.
Mr. Gianji, the president of CESVI, funding agency, Italy visited along with Ms. Simona Stella the Asian desk officer. They opened Children Park called SIRAR MAGILVAGAM and planted tree in it. They met staff, students, of vocational training Students, dalit villages and coastal villages. They were impressed by the variety of activities.

Fr. Maran Director of CAUVERI introduces a group volunteers from France and Belgium to the institution. 130 children from Don Bosco anbu illam Chennai visit Don Bosco Tharangam on their way to veilankanni. Fr. Rayan goes to Chennai for the funeral of the of Sr. Elisabath FMA and Sr. Vimala FMA at Avadi, Chennai.
Staff meeting was conducted and salary distributed. The community of Don Bosco Varadarajanpet visited on their way back from Veilankanni after their Tri-monthly recollection.

Children from Eduthukatti village come to play in the Children Park.


A strike was called by the Government of Tamil Nadu to implement sethu samudra project, and so our Non-formal ITI did not function.
Being the birth day of Gandhi, Grama sabha meeting was to be held in all the panchayat. Our team members organized people to present memorandums at the sabha.
Fr. Jayaraj, the director of Don Bosco Anbu illam Coimbatore visits.

Salesians and children participated in the parochial feast of Tharangambadi parish patroness our lady of Rosary.
Fr. Rayan celebrates the parish feast mass. Bro. Sahayaraj, Mr. Valavan and Miss. Joyce attend youth meeting at Trichy.
Fr. Adaikala Rasa SDB visits to sort out some computer Technical problem.
CESVI and ISIS exports, Chennai visit to discuss and seek ways to provide employment for young women. It was decided to provide training and later work for about 40 young women in DBT.
Sr. Arokia mary takes 4 young women to Gopi for job in Divya mills at Gopi. 40 children from villages are given cultural arts training at DBT for two days (13th & 14th). Fr. Rayan leaves for Trichy to take part in ordination celebration. He leaves for one weeks stay at home. Bro. Sagayaraj takes care of the house.

The sisters of SMMI convent celebrate their patron feast of St. Thresa of Avila. Fr. Rayan joined the holy Eucharist and dinner.
22, 23.10.07
Bro. Sagayaraj takes boys of ITI for two day tour to yercaud. It rained continuously for three days. District administration declared holiday for schools.

The staff team leaves for Trichy to take part in the staff live in programme organized by the commission for the marginalized youth. The staff traveled by train from Mayiladuthurai to Trichy. They had a sight seeing at Trichy. They visited Don Bosco Amsam and reached the provincial house in the evening.
26, 27.10.07
Social workers live in was held at the provincial house. 120 staff participated in the programme. It was organized by the commission for the marginalized youth. It was conducted by VEMBU Vilathikulam. It was organized to honors the day people in view of the year of the day, as it was the theme of the year proposed by the province.
Staff meeting was conducted and three months evaluation was conducted and planning was drawnup for three months ahead.


All saints day.
All souls day celebrated with shelter boys because most of the boys had last their one or both of the parents. Fr. Rayan and Bro. Sagayaraj help the parish priest in blessing cemeteries in the substations. Fr.Rayan celebrates mass at palur in the evening.

Fr. Joachim Desouza the Regional councilor for south Asia visits DBT for the fist time. It is his last visit to the province as the Regional. He distributed certificated for the youth who completed 6 months Non formal Technical training in electrician and computer courses.
Fr. Rayan attends provincial council and leaders meet at Trichy with the Regional. Fr. Regional was given a solomn farewell on the 5th November. Fr.Rayan was one of the speakers
Eight of staff attend “ Sathi ozhippu Manadu” at madurai at Fatima college.
Deepavali celebration. Boys go home. Salesian go to the shrine of veilankanni. Children who study in boarding and hostels come for help and support.
Staff reporting and role clarification and assignments for second half year.
Children day celebration held at all villages with planting trees and cultural programmes.
Fr. Rayan and 4 staff members attend project meeting at Mysore.
10 youth attend entrepreneurship training at Trichy organized by Vazhikatti. A youth named parthiban gets hurt during journey at Kumbakonam and admitted in hospital at Karaikal.
The DBT youth attend youth competition at k. pudur, Maduraj. They win first prize in drawing and third in music instruments.
Bro. Sagayaraj goes to DB Kuthenkuzhly to prepared for the application for polytechnic.
Heavy rain lashes coastal villages. DBT helps families in the working area.

Fr. Amalraj, the provincial and Fr, Thomas arrived for provincial visitation late in the evening.
The Provincial Fr. Amal Raj, Fr. Anthony Joseph, the Economer came for the visitation. The team had extensive discussion about the running boy’s home and the proposed polytechnic in the coming year. He met the confreres, staff, and the students and the Home boys. He celebrated Mass for the home boys. He left in the evening.
Child rights club leaders had leadership training for a day. Family based care distribution was held. St. Anne’s pro-novices and three sisters from Yercaud visited DBT on their way back home from Velankanni.
Fr. Rayan goes to Trichy to arrange for YAR governing body meeting, held at the Provincial house. The Theme for the Trichy province is caring community.
Staff meeting was held and salary given for the staff.


Bro. Sagayaraj goes to Trichy Provincial house to celebrate the Golden jubilee of the Religious profession of Fr O.K. Madhew.
Fr. Rayan celebrated Sunday mass at Tharangampadi Parish church.
Fr. Rayan in the study committee for youth Resource center for the Province visited KKID Training Centre at Coimbatore.
Fr. Rayan and 10 youth conduct, YOUTH FOR YOUTH programme in Auxilium college at katpadi, vellore.

Human Rights Day. All the villages are taught to fight poverty as human right. Boys begin their Half- yearly examinations.
Bro. Sahayaraj goes to Chennai to present polytechnic application.
Heavy rain slashes the coastal Districts of Tamil Nadu.
Family based care for children was distributed to orphan and poor children.
Fr.Rayan visits the shrine of Velankanni with boys and Fr,JustinSJ from Darjiling.
Fr.Rayan conducts half day session for the Diocesan youth leaders and animators at Trichy Decpam centre.
Fr.Rayan attends provincial council at Trichy.
Heavy rain slashes in Tamil Nadu. Schools and colleges were closed and exams were postponed.
Christmas celebration held at DBT. Children, youth and staff participated in the function. Fr. Lourdhu samy joined celebration gave a massage after mass. Dinner was provided for all.

Fr. Rayan joined the parish midnight mass for Christmas.
Christmas gift was given to those children sponsored by Don Bosco and studying in other schools and boardings.
Eight priests were ordained for the province at Madurai. Fr.Rayan participated in the celebration.
The staff, students and boys of the shelter was given Christmas holidays from 23rd December to 31st December.


JANUARY – 2006

02.01.06 .
Classes were started in all the centers From Jan 1st to 6th Rev.Bro chinnappa Raj attended National conversation (Don Bosco ) at Bangalore.
Rev. Bro. Chinnappa Raj returned back to Tharangambadi.
Sr. Rose arrived together with Sr. Therese the new member the substitute for Sr. Ranjitham.
From 14th jan to 16th jan pongal celebration. The planning committee team Rev Fr. Rayan, Rev. Fr. Casmir, Rev. Fr. Marcel and Fr. Vincent Sebastin together at Tharangambadi to discuss about the future mission and the construction sites for the present of SDB at Kazhiyappanallur.
The new land was survival and measured today.
The land registration is done today.
Animation program in Eduthukatti center.
Animation program in Thiruvidaikazhi center.
Animation program in Thillaiyadi center
We celebrated the feast of Don Bosco in our house.


We celebrated the feast of St. Don Bosco in our Tharangambadi center Rev. Fr. Periyanayakam was the chief guest of the occasion. Togather with Bro. Chinnppa Raj we welcomed him warmly. Bro. chinnppa Raj, Mr. Xavier and the chief guest spoke about St. John Bosco here was a little cultural program the celebration was ended with the lunch.
We all of us together with the teaching staff went for the celebration of st. Don Bosco centenary in India 100 years.
150 children of Don Bosco from Coimbatore and Tiruppur came to Tharangambadi for picnic. We are welcomed then in our church compound and we gave them lunch. They were very happy and they thanked us all with a song.

30 students of st. Joseph college of Trichy came our ITI center along with their program. M.J. Raj to study about human resource management. They had a session and after the lunch they also visited to Chandrabadi village and left.
We had women’s day program in our Thillaiyadi village in tailoring center ,all most all the tailoring girls of Thillaiyadi participate in the preparation young women’s day program song competition (dance ) speak and kolapotti competition . We conducted all the girls were happy to participate. Most of the girls won the prizes.
We had women’s day program in our Eduthukatti village in the tailoring center and our tailoring students girls participated in it. While song, dance, speak and Kolapotti competition were conducted.
We too had women’s day program in the village all they tailoring girls participated in it. Songs dance, speak and kolapotti competition were conducted. Girls were happy to participated different type of competitions. Most of the girls won the prize.
We had conducted a one day program skill development training program in our Tharangambadi center for both boys and girls. Rev. Brother chinappa Raj welcomed of them and speak about skill development to the present groups. Sir Xavier to spoke about the skill development and all of them were provided with the lunch all were happy and at 4pm the program was conducted.
We for had women’s day program in our Tharangambadi center for all our tailoring girls. Mostly of them participated in it. Mostly of girls won the prizes.


Most Rev. Bishop Davadoss Ambrose Bishop of Thanjavor was here for the pastoral visit in Tharangambadi and Bro chinnappa Raj. Sr.Lissy and Therse had a chance to meet him.
Sr. Nancy SMI Maduraj superior and Director SMI were here with us to celebrated 2days of women’s day program with us.
All most 120 girls from two center Tharangambadi and Eduthukatti for the women’s day celebration which was conducted in our Tharangambadi ITI center in Denmark building. Mrs. Sarswathy president special village panchayat of Tharangambadi was the chief guest, Mrs. Revathy vanavil film maker director from Nagappattinam and Rev. Bro chinappa Raj , Mr. Xavier, Mrs . susila self help group leader Sr, dolures SMI ,Sr, Nancy SMI were the main guest of women’s day celebration. Sr. Lissy rose SMI co- ordinate of women welcomed them all by lighting the kuthu vilakku. All the girls were encouraged and enlightened by the special talks of the preset guest. About the night of the women’s a folk was given by the guest, Mrs. Saraswathy. How important the role of the women is in life and in the life of the society. After the lunch them was cultural program and at the end of the program prize, first, second and third were given to the winners. All of them were proud of their women’s day.
More then two hundred girls from two centers, Thillaiyadi and Thiruvidaikazhi participated in women’s day celebration which was conducted in valliamman manivannan. Chairmen sempanarkovil panchayat union Mrs. Rani Backthavachalam Thillaiyadi panchayat president Bro chinnappa Raj principal of DB ITITharangambadi , Sr.Dolores , SMI Sr. Nancy SMI from Maduraj Mr. Xavier M.A program co- ordinate DB network, Tharangambadi ,Ms. Abirami new leader KLTV ,Mr.Kanthasamy , co- ordinate , Sneha Tharangambadi , Mrs. Kalaiselvi legal aid co- ordinate were the main chief guest. Sr. Lissy rose SMI women’s co-ordinate DB ITI Tharangambadi welcomed their all. The program was started with welcoming the guest by lighten the kutthu vilakku, giving them gift followed by a prayer dance. The entire invited guest took the chance to give a folk to the women about the importance and about the important of their right in the society. Girls were encouraged by the different talk that was given to them. How a women can be a leader to build up the society. After the lunch there was cultural program girls took part in sings and dance. Awareness songs were song by the girls. All the girls were encouraged and enriched by the programmed.
CESVI team visited our ITI center in Tharangambadi and also in Eduthukatti tailoring center and found the defeat the world that is going on.
Rev. Fr. Thomai rajan the vice provincial visited us.
Rev. Fr. Antony samy visited us he was present in Eduthukatti tailoring center for the distribution of the certificate to the girls who have completed their tailoring course.58 students who have completed their 6 moth tailoring course in Eduthukatti center recovered their certificate. Rev. Bro. chinnappa Raj SDB ITI provincial, Fr. Antony samy the provincial economies, Rev. sir. Xavier, Sr. Vasantha was present for the distribution of the certificated. Miss vasuki teacher of Eduthukatti welcomed them all. The students were happy and help proud on receiving the certificate.

94 students who have completed their 6 months tailoring course in Thillaiyadi center received their certificates. We too welcomed Rev. Fr. Rayan SDB who came to visit us. He was present in our Thillaiyadi tailoring center for the distribution of the certificated to the students who have completed their 6 months tailoring course in Thillaiyadi tailoring center.

Rev. Fr. Amal raj susai SDB provincial of Trichy provincial came to Tharangambadi to visit and as for the blessing of land and laning foundation at Kazhiyappanallur. We had the blessing of the land and laying the foundation of Kazhiyappanallur by Rev. Fr. Amal Raj susai Sdb, provincial of Trichy provincial also Fr.Rayan, Fr. Raja, Fr.Casmir and Fr.Thomas were present for the blessing of the land. Mr. Xavier welcomed them all. CESVI team was present for the blessing and laying of foundation stone. 10 staffs from salem DB center social worker were present they welcome Rev Fr. Amal Raj susai with their traditional way of playing the drums also the whole Tharangambadi staff and lay people from CRC group for was present.
In the evening there was a program of handing over the Over Head Water Tank which was built in Tharangambadi near Danish fort to the panchayat sir. Xavier welcomed the invited guest all Ms. Lisa Bay representing the CESVI team she thanked all those who worked hard for building the water tank. Rev.Fr.Rayan spoke about the importance of water. After handing over the water supply tank to the panchayat there was a cultural program. Rev. Fr. Amal Raj susai SDB provincial of Trichy province thanked for all the help and collaboration for the building of the water supply tank. At the end Fr. Amal Raj susai thanked for the great work done by Sr. Lisa rose SMI. He grateful and he appreciated the great help and work of Sr. Lisa rose in Tharangambadi and the other entire village. He too thanked SMI congregations and the all sister who was with sr. Lisa rose working in Tharangambadi.

There was thanks giving mass offered for sr.Lisy rose and all the sister who came to work in Tharangambadi. Same day CESVI team visited chinnangudi welding traning center.

Bro. Chinnappa Raj, Mr. Raja (Anbu illam) accompanied with Sr. Rose and Sr. Therese who worked one year in Tharangambadi. Their time come to an end. We want to Maduraj ( Guddalore community ) we drop them to the community Sr. Nancy who is superior there. We came back to Tharangambadi at 12.15am. On the way we participated Rev. Fr. Philp’s birth day celebration, which is belongs to Thanjavur mathakottai community. Bro. chinnappa raj attached to the same community.

Rev. Fr. Christ Raj visited Tharangambadi along with the CESVI group who came from ITALY.
Bro. chinnapparaj visited all the training centers met the boys who are under going the different skill training.
Tharangambadi ITI electrician trade boys played cricket match with the local team. It was very nice. Bro. chinnappa Raj inaugurated the match. Instruction Mr. Arockia Raj played with them.10th 12th boys came to ITI to team skills.

From 12 to 16 chinnappa Raj went to vellankanni church to help out the retreat the youth attended. More than 100 boys and girls participated. E.B power service was obtained for Kazhiyappanallur.
From 24 to 29 Bro chinnappa Raj went to yercaud to attend the retreat.


Mr. Xavier sir his family visited Tharangambadi center (village). They inaugurated the summer camp in difference places.
Bro. Chinnappa Raj went to Keela eral to visit his mission place for the 2006-2007 also he visited Madurai. ITI. Dinducal community college, Trichy amsam ITI came back to Tharangambadi on 10th morning.
Bro. chinnappa Raj went keela eral to visit the Don Bosco ITI and plan for it. The certificates for the channangudi welding trade boys who finished their six months course. 49 boys received the certificate.
Today the Thiruvidaikazhi tailoring center girls received their six months certificated who finished their. The Panchayat leader came and used the certificate. 34 girls received the certificate. Mr. Xavier came and addressed the people and the students.

Tharangambadi vocational training center conducted three trades. Diesel mechanic , electrician and tailoring. After leaning six months of training we have given the six months certificates for the boys and girls. Our Don Bosco co-ordinate Mr. Xavier sir came and issued the certificate for the students. There are 25 boys and 17 girls participated.
In our working villages of Chandrabadi fishing area, we are working after the Tsunami onwards. This is the one of the co-operative village especially the youth very good. The started some the name of Don Bosco. The started the first anniversary gym competition 20,21.05.06. Two days it was help in Chandrabadi high school.
Tharangambadi youths conducted kabadi games. This is one of the favorite games for them. We Don Bosco participated held out them to encourage the youth.
Bro. chinnappa Raj went to keela eral after hand over the things to Mr. Xavier who is our coordinator of Don Bosco network. May God bless him.
Fr. Amala jayarayan was appointed Director of Don Bosco Tharangambadi. He was working in salem as director of Don Bosco anbu illam. It was he who with his team reached to Tsunami affected places first to vellankanni and later to Tharangambadi. He continued to operate form Salem, coming to the site, when needed. He had a 30 members team with Mr. Xavier as co- coordinator supported financially by CESVI from ITALY.
25, 26 may 2006 CESVI conducted partner’s meet at Chennai. There were four partners of CESVI. Fr.Rayan, Mr. Xavier, Mr. johnpeter and Mr. Justin attended the meeting. The team members were given 10 days summer vocation from 22nd may to 2 June. During our vocation the resident team took turn to be present in the centre.

On re-opening day there was a staff meeting organized by Mr. Xavier the team members were asked to concentrate. On school enrolled and up dating the base line data (BLD)
Fr.Rayan attended to Don Bosco Tanjore. He attended the first community meeting and the birth day of Bro. Alex.
From June 9th to 13th Fr. Rayan was at Don Bosco anbu illam, Salem to help in the external evaluation conducted by CRY.
Fr.Rayan attends All commission meet at Trichy. Fr. Rayan is the Head of the commission for the marginalized youth (Yar) Mr. Xavier is a member in the same commission.
Fr. Rayan attends the provincial council at Trichy.
Fr. Rayan returned to Tharangambadi first time after the appointment. Mr. Xavier and Mr. Joseph driver received him a Mailadudurai at 10.30 am. On the way to Tharangambadi we first visited the land and the new children home in construction at Kazhiyappanallur. The building was up to the plinth level the building in supported by CESVI. At 11.30 am a vocational training center (Electrician and Electronic non-formal) was inaugurated by Fr. Rayan, at Thiruvidaikazhi. In the after noon Fr. Rayan looked in the administration and financial matter which were handed on to Mr. xavier by Bro. chinnappa Raj. In the evening Fr. Rayan celebrated mass and conducts a meeting with the resident 8 members.
Fr. Rayan conducts the staff meeting. There were resident and 20 community organizers. In the afternoon the residents team members go to velankanni to pray human to our lady. On the same day DB Thanjavur also comes to vellankanni. All join to gather in meeting two rosary and spend one hour singing at the church, Fr. Rayan join the community and goes to Thanjavur to attend the community meeting organized by Fr. Amal Raj, the provincial on the 19th.
Two tailoring centers were opened at T.Manalmedu and kattuchery samathuvapuram.
Mr. Xavier and Fr. Rayan attend the meeting of the Marginalized youth community at Trichy. Fr. George and Fr. Amal Raj provincial were present. Fr. Rayan is the commission head.
Ms. Mercy from CESVI visits Tharangambadi. CESVI a funding agency from ITALY had agreed to support all activities of Don Bosco in Tharangambadi. A children home is being built at Kazhiyappanallur through their funding.

Staff meeting was conducted. Staff welfare programme was started. It was also agreed to go in for health insurance for a period of the year, for all the staff, and care for the people too.

Educational materials are distributed to children.
Fr. Rayan purchased a digital camera for the center at Trichy.
Fr. Rayan goes to Salem to attend CWC (Child Welfare Committee) meeting.
TELC luthren church celebrated tercentenary of the arrival of Zieganbalku at Tharangambadi. The team attends the light and sound programs.
Medical camp is conducted at Thiruvidaikazhi in collaboration with Vinayaka mission hospital karikal. Fr. Rayan and the team visit the visiting site in the evening.
Fr. Rayan goes to Thanjavur for the Recollection.
Fr. Rayan attends YAR meeting at Chennai.
Fr. Rayan attends provincial council meeting at Madurai.
Fr. Rayan discusses with Fr. Francis, the Rector of Madurai ITI the practicality of working for the street children work at Madurai.
Fr. Rayan meets Mr. kurian from (SIFFS- is south Indian fisher folk society) to discusses the personality of working together on youth and children programmed. Five youth women were sent to Trichy for vocational training in computer and six to Salem for nursing. Fr. Rayan meets people and children in Don Bosco operational areas, in Pichaikattalai, Thottam, and Odaikarai
Fr. Rayan meets children of Thiruvidaikazhi and Nayana colony. De- addiction campaiyr was conducted in Pitchaikattalai women’s group meeting at jeeva nager.
19, 20.07.06
CESVI funding agency conducted accounts work shop for the participated mamallapuram. Mr. Xavier, Mr. Justin and Mr. Johnpeter attend the meeting.
Fr. Rayan meets the children of Tharangambadi center youth meeting was conducted at palur.
Fr. Anthony Joseph, the economies and Bro. George, building construction at Kazhiyappanallur. Fr. Rayan meets were organized at Nagappa Nager and Perumal pettai and vellakovil.
Children meetings were held out Tharangambadi, Ayerpadi and Chandrabadi.
De- addition campaiya was conducted at Nagappa Nager and center from valliammai Nager and Thudaripettai.
Youth meeting was organized at pitchakattali. The team members planted tree at the building site.
Women’s group meeting held at Eduthukatti and Thiruvidaikazhi. De- addition campaya conducted at Vellkoil and Perumal pettai.
Women’s meeting was held at periyakoothur.
The children home ground floor roof concrete was laid. Bro. George had come to the site to inspect the work. Fr.Rayan remained at the site the whole day. The team members celebrated birth day of Fr. Rayan.
Fr. Rayan goes to Don Bosco, Thanjour to celebrate in birthday with the community.
Fr. Amal Raj the provincial visits the tailoring site, the vocational training center at Thiruvidaikazhi, Kattyr samathuvapuram and T. manalmedhu.
Fr. Rayan meets the Manager of south Indian Bank at nagappattinam. Fr. Rayan meets APIS Group from ITALY and discussion sponsorship for the orphan and semi- orphan children. The students from Auxilium college visited Tharangambadi on the way to Vailankanni.
Medical camp was conducted at Periyakoothur. About 320 people rarefied.
Staff meeting was conducted, evaluation of the past three months was conducted, and planning for the coming months was done.


Fr. Arul maran and Fr. Adaikala Raj visit Don Bosco.
Ms. Lisa and Ms. Marcy from CESVI agency visit the construction of children home and discussed few matters regarding project.
Fr. Rayan leaves for Mumbai to attend the YAR national governing body meet with Fr. Joakim on 6th and 7th, and also to attend SPCSA meet on 8th, 9th and 10th. YAR status was approved in the meeting.
Medical camp was conducted at Thiruvidaikazhi with the help of Maduraj Meenakshi mission hospital. People were had to give a memorandum to the collector for cerci health facilities. The collector sanctioned two visiting doctor per week.
It was decided to conduct child labor survey to plan program for the children. The collection of data began today.
Child Rights training conducted in Senthamangalam.
Uniform was distributed to children.
Youth meeting at Nayanam colony.
Internal dispute in village Ayerpadi the village were advice to report to the collector, superintend of police and human rights commission. 10 families were ostracized by the rest because they chose to support another party during the election. 10 families were led to fight for their rights.
In view of Independence Day celebration sports and cultural feast was organized at every village in the evening. The whole village joined the children in the celebration.
A parent meeting was conducted at Thiruvidaikazhi.
Fr. Rayan leaves for Thanjavur for provincial council; village education committee was conducted at Eduthukatti and parents meeting at puthutheru. Classes for the drop out was started in Chandrabadi to prepare them to write Government exam (VII and X). The classes are conducted from 11 am to 2 pm.
Work shop for young women was conducted at Thiruvidaikazhi. About 50 girls participated.
Fr. Rayan goes to Chennai to attend the motivated batch meet of 1986. About 19 met at Ennore after 20 years.
Fr. Rayan has a discussed to prepare a book on family with Fr. Arickia raj of URAVU and ALAIHAL the children of velakovil submit a memorandum asking for sufficient bus to go to school. N.N chavadi people ask for a bus stop for them.
Fr. Rayan attends Tri monthly Recollection at Thanjavur.
Children home first floor concrete was done. The work was distributed due to a heavy shower at 5.30 pm. The work was completed a little late by 7.30 pm.
Youth meeting was conducted at pitchakattalai.
The Salem Don Bosco Anbu illam staff on tour came here for lunch. They had an instruction session with our staff for two hours in the children being done. Fr. Xavier birth day was celebrated.
Child rights training were conducted at Thiruvidaikazhi. Young women training was conducted at vellkoil.
Tharangambadi temple feast, Vinayaka chathurthi neighbor offered sweet and eatable.
Village education committee meeting in the villages was conducted.
Hoisting of the flag at vaillankanni basilica was held. No one participated due to chikun Kunya fever.
Fr. Rayan leaves for Don Bosco Thanjavur as he was sick. Bro.Henry Dominic comes from Thanjavur to take Fr. Rayan. Few other staff too fell ill. They were admitted in hospital. The others leave to their places. They were affected with chicken kunya a virus fever. Mr. Xavier co- ordinator continues to supervise the work.


School boys and uniforms were distributed to the needy children. Village education committee of Thiruvidaikazhi meets.
Mr. Xavier conducted the staff meeting and gives salary for the staff.
Youth meet at palur and puthutheru at Thiruvidaikazhi.
VEC meets at north street, pitchakattalai and palur and Eduthukatti.
Fr. Antony Joseph and Bro. George visit the building site.
Feast of veillankanni, all these staff who needed leave were allowed to go. Child Rights club (CRC) meeting at kattuchery.
The vazhikatti team conduct a day of animation for 10th and 12th students at Tharangambadi. Young women meet at palur and Eduthukatti.
Fr. Rayan comes back after a week of recuperation at Don Bosco Thanjavur.
The committee of Don Bosco Karaikal came to make three months recollection.
13, 14.09.06
The Don Bosco team members participated in a work shop on counseling conducted by PSYCHO trust at Nagappattinam. It was aimed at helping children.
Youth meeting was organized at karampallam and vellakoil.
Don Bosco vazikatti from Trichy organized a day of seminar for 10th and 12th students on how to study? And how to face exam? It was held at Thudaripettai seventy two young people participated in it. Four of our team members participated in a seminar on imparting family values held at the provincial house at Trichy. It was organized by Alaihal media.
Fr. Rayan purchased a new jeep Bolero- Xl at Trichy. The old jeep was handed over to the province.
Fr. Rayan attends the provincial council at Trichy.

Ms. Lisa from CESVI visits the building site. She discusses about furniture to be bought for the children home and the children park play materials.
Don Bosco vazhikatti organized one day seminar at Eduthukatti for the students of 10th and 12th about 65 youngsters participated.
Fr. Rayan attends one day program on mamma Margaret at maduraj. It was organized for all the perpetually professed by the province to mark the150 death anniversary of mamma Margaret.
Fr. Rayan goes home to console the death of his aunty.
Fr. Rayan attends the provincial chapter documents discussion of Thanjavur.
Fr. Rayan attends the funeral of father of cl Xavier Antony at lalgudi.
Fr. Rayan to Salem to attends the CWC meeting.


Fr. Rayan spends a day at the community at Thanjavour.
Being a holiday the children had competition Fr.Economer and Bro. George visit to plan for building for vocational training.
Staff meeting was conducted. Fr. Rayan celebrated Novena mss at the parish church, Our lady of Rosary.
CESVI team visits to plan and evaluate the shelter for children.
Fr. Rayan and the team members join the provincial feast. 12 member team of youth from Eduthukatti leave for Thanjavour for youth cultural fest.
The youth who participated in cultural feast win championship.
The youth were felicitated in their own village. The parish priest join in offering mass.
The government promulgated a law, declaring child labor as illegal.
Youth meeting held at Athangarai.
Local electrician held in Nagapattinam people were prepared to participated in the electrician.
Fr. Rayan and a few team members participated in the ordination of Fr.Amal Raj sj the brother of Fr.Rayan at Trichy.
First mass of Fr.Amalraj sj at Rameswaram was held and Fr.Rayan participated with few of the Team members.
Fr. Rayan participated in the feast of St. Theresa convent at Tharangambadi. Fr. Rayan leaves to Thanjour to participate in birth day celebration of Fr. Vijayan at Thanjavur. A week long awareness to celebrate deepavali without crackers was conducted.
19, 20.10.06
Fr. Rayan attends provincial council at Trichy.
Fr. Rayan attends Deva music program, at salem, organized by NESAM, Kavitha a fundraising program. It was an organization founded on the inspiration of Anbu illam.
Fr. Rayan reaches back home from Salem.
The Team prepares the Report and action plan for the past and coming half- year.
The team leaves at night for Salem on exposure trip to Don Bosco anbu illam, YWCA, Amala Anbukarangal.
The staffs visit Don Bosco anbu illam and Amala anbu karangal and YWCA.
The team visits yercaud.
The team visits hogehekal and mettur and return back to Tharangambadi. Fr. Rayan participated in the silver jubilee celebrations of Sr. Vimala FMA at Karaikal.
Staff meet and salary and evaluation and planning.


Fr. Rayan attends the funeral of the mother of Fr. Antnoy Joseph at later he goes to Thanjavur to elect the delegate for the provincial chapter.
Fr. Rayan goes home to condole the death of his aunty and his teacher.
Preparatory work is alone to begin the building connection for the proposed polytechnic.
Fr. Rayan, Mr. Xavier, Mr. Arockiam, Mr. Raja attend the partners meet of CESVI training on shelter for children at yercurd.
Mr. Xavier join DBAI ,Salem team to take part in Indian social forum at Delhi.
The provincial , Economer, Fr. Thomas and Bro. George come to uses and lay the foundation stone for the polytechnic building.
Mr. Xavier, co- ordinator attends ISF, Indian social forum at Delhi.
Our staff attends a training in Coimbatore on child sexual abuse.
Fr. Rayan goes to vaillankanni our lady shrine with the team members.

Heavy rain lashes Tamil Nadu coast.
Children day celebration was held is ever village. The children stayed a cultural program, reported by the local youth.
The accountants from CESVI came for regular monitoring visit.
Mr. Mario from Australia arrives. He comes to offer voluntary service.
Fr. Rayan goes to Trichy to buy a battery for the video. He buy materials for the shelter.
Fr. Rayan goes to Thanjavur for Tri- monthly Recollections. They celebrating the birth day of Bro. Britto .
Fr. Rayan goes to pallithammam for the provincial council.
Fr. Theo plus visits Tharangambadi.
Program coordinator from CESVI visits. Fr. Rayan meets to propose a new project.
Fr. Rayan and 12 youth (boys and girls) attend Marginalized Youth Fest at Thiruppur, organized by the YAR commission. Fr. Rayan releases a book Salem santhipu a collection of his experiences.
Children program at Eduthukatti.
Children day program at palur,South street and at Tharangambadi was conducted.
Distribution of certificates to those who completed six months course in tailoring and electrical was held. CESVI team was present at the occasion.
Fr. Rayan meets CESVI, discussing the new proposal. Children’s day at Valluvar colony was held.


Awareness program regarding HIV/AIDS conducted in all the clusters.
Staff meeting was conducted and salary was distributed.
Fr. Rayan and staff participated in the inauguration of the parish of Thamanagudi at Karaikal.
A six months tailoring course was started at Eduthukatti for girls. Another six months electrical and plumbing course was started for boys at Boothamur.
Fr. Amal Raj, the provincial and economar Fr. Antony Joseph visit the operations areas for the provincial visitation. Two tailoring centers were started at K.P.Nallur and Akkur.
Fr. Rayan is at Don Bosco Thanjavur for provincial visitation. Children day at Thiruvidaikazhi. Human rights discussion for tailoring girls at Akkur.
Fr.Rayan is at Don Bosco Thanjavour for monthly recollection.
Fr. Rayan attends provincial council at Trichy.
The full staff team plant too trees at the Don Bosco center.
Human rights discussion at kalliamman Kovil.
The ITI students at Boothanur had a youth animation program conducted by Fr. Rayan and Mr. Xavier. Five tailoring machine were provided to the young women group at samathvapuram for group enterprising program.
The tailoring girls at Kazhiyappanallur had a discussion on Human rights; Fr. Rayan had a village empowerment committee meeting at Sarapoji raja puram.
Human rights discussion at Athangarai street. Tree plantation was conducted at Chandrabadi.
The young women group at Samathuvapuram began tailoring work.
The team members celebrated Christmas together. Fr. Rayan celebrated mass, after exchange of gift and greetings, dinner were served. Then the staffs were given ten days of Christmas holidays. Fr. Rayan goes to Don Bosco Thanjavur for Christmas celebration.
Fr. Rayan participated in the ordination of three Deacons at Don Bosco Amsam, Trichy.
Fr. Rayan attends the Anbu illam, old boys meet at Salem. They also celebrate the 10th year of his ordination Anniversary.

Fr. Rayan attends the final meeting of the child welfare committee at Salem. He has been the members for the last three years.
Fr. Rayan is at Don Bosco Thanjavur for the New year celebration.